The Story

Just outside of Dillon, Montana, off of Montana State Highway 91 between mile markers 5 and 6, stands a quaint billboard that boasts the words “BEANTANA PRIDE”. It is clear from the other side of the billboard that it is meant to say “Montana Pride, Inc.”, which was a company that primarily sold animal feed. The company dissolved in 2001, but its billboard still stands. You can see the sign when driving north on I-15 just past exit 56, although the billboard is smaller than most you would come across today. The Montana Pride sign is beginning to wither away, causing the word Beaverhead Valley to poke through parts of the top layer that have blown off. By some miracle, the words “Beantana Pride” have formed.

The creators of the Beantana Pride brand first came across this sign in 2017 when driving home to Helena from Salt Lake City, Utah. Since then, the sign has caused a chuckle each time they make the drive. We are inspired by the billboard’s ability to make people laugh, and wanted to create a brand around the billboard to spread the fun.